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Sunday Worship @ 10:45am | 302 S Elm St.
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Sundays at SapNaz


Worship Service: 10:45am

Kids Ministries (Birth – 5th Grade):
Sunday School: 9:30am
Nursery & Kids Church: 10:45am

Adult Ministries:
Three adult groups meet at 9:30am
Additional adult groups meet in individual homes throughout the week.

Afternoon at 4pm:

Kids (potty-trained 3 year olds – 5th Grade)
Students (6th – 12th Grade)


Giving is an act of worship and helps us become generous people. When you give to Sapulpa Nazarene, we can assure you that your contribution makes a local and global impact and your info is safe.

You can also mail your checks to Sapulpa Church at 302 S Elm St, Sapulpa, OK 74066 or drop them off in an offering plate on Sunday mornings.